Coins We Are Thankful For: Happy Thanksgiving!

Having been on the road for at least part of the last 6 weeks, I have something new to be thankful for… being home for the Thanksgiving holiday! The coin business does require an abnormal amount of traveling to visit customers, pick up coins, attend trade shows, etc…but it’s part of the gig and it’s one of the reasons we love what we do…sometimes!
This week’s travel brought was totally non-numismatic and brought me to the Blue Ridge Mountains for my niece’s wedding. I had hopes and dreams of visiting a coin shop (or 3) on the return home, but while the spirit was willing, the body (and wife) were not. Overall, it was a gorgeous time and a lot of fun, but the return home was much needed and the respite that the holiday will offer is treasured!
These short holiday weeks are always a little different in the office as you have some folks taking off to travel elsewhere and you have the more local folks hanging around in the office, enjoying a few “quieter” days, catching up on 5 days of work that needs to be compressed into a short 3 days. However, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is always one of my favorite days as it’s a more laidback atmosphere, we get a LOT done, and at the end of the day, we go home, thankful for an extra day or two of rest. So, as you might can figure, we’re closed on Thursday and Friday this week so that we can enjoy a little extra turkey and football.
As always, we’ll be monitoring emails and if there are any numismatic emergencies, we’ll be here, with a quick response between bites of cranberry sauce.
I’ll close with a note of thanks to all of our customers and friends that we have in this business. Without our customers, we’d be nowhere. While we call everyone a customer, it’s really more than that. We’ve built many numismatic friendships and some folks can even be considered family. And while we won’t share a dinner table with any of you this week, we want each and every one of you to know that we appreciate your working with us. You are what makes DLRC a great place to work and we appreciate that. So, we hope that you enjoy the holiday week and we wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Numismatically Yours,
John Brush and Your Fellow Pilgrims at DLRC
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