coins we love Coins We Love: Upcoming Collections @ DLRC! Collectors often ask us “What are your busiest months?” The answer is undoubtedly the first quarter of every year. We typically have three or four major shows to attend and tons of collector activity, both buying and selling. We are always super busy processing the increased amount of deals coming
coins we love Coins We Love: Take a Tour of the DLRC Office! It’s been a nice week at home for us here at DLRC, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. We bought a really nice retail-able group of coins from one of our favorite vendors to close out last week, so we have 350 coins that just
Coins We Love: The Atlanta Review So, what was the final overview of the Atlanta Show? It was far better than expected! We ended up spending seven-figures on fresh, new material, picked up a couple of fantastic consignments—including a group of beautiful Silver Commemoratives—got to meet with several longstanding DLRC customers…and we sold
March Grading Contest at DLRC Thanks again to all our participants last month, we hope to have returning contestants trying their eye on this month's group and many newcomers! Find below obverse and reverse images of 12 certified coins, a mix of types, grades, business strikes, and proofs. Note: there will be no
Results: February Grading Contest Thank you to all of our participants in our inaugural Monthly Grading Contest! Of course we realize grading based on images (even images of the high-quality our DLRC team achieves) is not ideal and nothing beats seeing the coin in hand. That being said this is purely for fun and
Coins We Love: Atlanta ANA National Money Show Edition We made it to this year’s location of the ANA National Money Show and I admittedly have some familiarity with this location. Hosted at the Cobb Galleria Center in Northwest Atlanta, this location has been the host of many regional and national shows in the last 25 years and
coins we love Collectors We Love: Collector and Consignor of the Year! Each year we process thousands of orders and auction invoices from our customer base of new and old customers. Many of these collectors have done business with us for over 10-30 years. While we don’t get the opportunity to thank every one of them, we occasionally work with collectors
coins we love Coins We Love: Does It Make Cents?! The big news in the coin world this week came out in the second half of the Super Bowl as we were all falling asleep on the couch. The end of the Cent! While it’s not exactly how the process is supposed to work when it comes to the
coins we love Coins We Love: Berlin World Money Fair Recap Last week I took a trip to the World Money Fair in Berlin, Germany! It was an amazing trip and I am excited to share all the details with you. Below we have included the highlights from the show itself, but if you want the full story including travel, pit
coin show The Berlin World Money Fair 2025 Day 1: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (But not in that order) Today I started off with a normal day in the office, but at 10:30 I departed, picked up Luke, and high-tailed it to Germany. Our 1:19pm departure landed us in Frankfurt at 8:30am local time and
February Grading Contest at DLRC Our very first DLRC Monthly Grading Contest kicks off today! Each month we will have a chance for you to test your coin grading skills against other collectors for the chance to win a prize - this month’s prize is a brand new 2025 Silver Eagle in CACG MS70.
coins we love Coins We Love: Introducing the DLRC Want List You have been asking and we answered! We are excited to formally announce that our new Want List feature is live on our website! We realize that finding the right coins for your collection is a priority and our informative Want List feature ensures you will never miss out on
want list Want List Crash Course We launched our new want list feature a few weeks ago! This is an exciting and easy-to-use feature that will be a tremendous asset to collectors of all shapes and sizes. Below we have included a want list crash course with screenshots, tips, and information that will make starting your
coins we love Coins We Love: Special Edition! Welcome to the CWL: Special Edition! We're excited to offer one of the prettiest coins that we've handled ever along with one of the newest coins to hit the market in this special weekend offering. We believe we are one of the first people to receive
coins we love Coins We Love: The Latest Hansen Collection Purchase With all of the excitement from the FUN Show winding down, this week has given us some time to lick our wounds and catch up on some much-needed coin work in the office. It’s been an incredibly productive time back home and I think you’ll notice some of
press release DLRC and D.L. Hansen Complete Charlotte Gold Collection The Hansen Quest to acquire an example of every standard issue US coin since 1792 has added another great rarity to the cabinet of the D.L. Hansen Collection. On Tuesday evening, after an extensive bidding competition, DLRC’s John Brush was able to secure the 1849 Charlotte Mint Open
coins we love Coins We Love: Final FUN Show Recap Typically, coin dealers flock south for the Winter FUN Show in hopes of a little warm weather, some sunshine, and maybe a day of relaxation amidst a week of brutally long trading days and meet-ups. This year did not serve those opportunities as the thermometer was unkind, with chilly temperatures
coins we love Coins We Love: We're Having a FUN Time! I’m not going to lie, the FUN Show is a lot of things! It starts off exciting, fantastic, welcoming, and rejuvenating. After 3 days it becomes tiring and long. After 5 days it's exhausting. And on day 7, when some of us finally return home, it is
coins we love Coins We Love: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Reminder for our New Jersey Readers: No more tax on orders to New Jersey over $1,000! We’re a day late, but hopefully not a Morgan Dollar short. We’ve made our way through the holidays, which can be a challenge working around everyone’s family
press release DLRC Announces the Launch of New Want List Feature DLRC is excited to announce the launch of its new want list website feature. This multi-faceted software addition is an incredible new tool that allows collectors to follow any (and all) issues that they are interested in and will receive notifications when an example is added to the website. A
coins we love Coins We Love: Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to our loyal CWL readers! We hope you all had a fantastic holiday season filled with family and friends, good food, fond memories, and lots of laughter! The end of the year is such a fantastic time to reflect on the year and look forward to the upcoming
coins we love Coins We Love: The Final Interview with John Brush First of all, thank you for all of the messages regarding the first two parts of the interview. It’s been a lot of fun interacting and seeing our customers' thoughts on some of my comments. Perhaps it’s naïveté, but I’ve always been one to honestly share
coins we love Coins We Love: An Interview with John Brush Part 2 As mentioned last week, I was asked several questions and thought they might make for a good CWL… or two (or three!) — so, here is Q&A with John Brush Part Two! The US mint has made an “instant rarity” by striking 230 of the 2024 Gold Flowing Hair
coins we love Coins We Love: An Interview with John Brush Every year I get a series of questions from a numismatic journalist friend that asks questions about the previous year and expectations for the following year. Not all of the answers are included in the resulting article (which is probably a good thing), but I figured that I’d take
coins we love Coins We Are Thankful For: Happy Thanksgiving! As the year winds down and we enter the Holiday Season, we pause to reflect on 2024 and all we are thankful for. The most notable happenings this year included * We completed the construction of our new office building, giving us room to spread out and grow * We launched our