Coins We Fear: Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, and Reformation Day!
We hope that everyone is having a great week. It’s been an incredibly busy one here with the normal goings-on while adding a return from the SCNA show. It was a quality event for us and we had a blast dealing with a new group of regional show dealers and old friends. We even got to talk a little SEC football, which makes things a little bit more fun.
The biggest problem with being out of the office is always the amount of work that mounts up on the return. So, my desk isn’t very pleasant, there are 12 boxes of coins to review, and a CWL message to write today. Then there’s website development, customer responses, show planning for the future, and regular business operational issues to attend to. So, while shows are often the most fun part of what we do, they do come at a cost! Thankfully we have a wonderful team keeping things in line. You may have spoken with one (or 5) of them, but the other 15 that are mostly silent are just as important and we’re thankful for them!
Of note, if you’re done giving out candy a little early tonight, don’t miss the RCR sale ending this evening. We’ve offered a plethora of impressive type coins over the past few months, but we’ll be having some high-end gold highlights in the coming weeks that have finally made it into our hands. So, stay tuned for those. Next week we have a mostly full office as we prepare for the Baltimore show the following week. Our numismatic show calendar calms down after the final major show of the year in Baltimore, so we’ll be storing up some coins for our hibernation that ends at the FUN Show in January. Actually, that’s a lie, because even if there aren’t any major events going on, we still have coins coming to us like a 1980s mall arcade. And we love it! So please keep dropping the quarters into the (mail) slots for us.

We’ll conclude this week’s message with a DLRC family photo of those of us who dressed up for the evening with our kids. If you’re unfamiliar with the costumes, we’ll include those at the bottom of the email for your enjoyment. As for now, happy Coins We Love Day! Please enjoy our weekly highlights and we’ll be back next week with even more pieces to crave with your leftover candy stash!
Numismatically Yours,
John Brush and Your Friends at DLRC
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