Coins We Love: 🍂🍁Autumn Updates🍂🍁

Thank you once again for the kind words in response to last week’s email. The feedback regarding bringing new collectors, both young and old, into the hobby and making the barriers of entry easier to manage were incredibly encouraging. While we’ve definitely had renewed hope for the longevity of the hobby during the recent market activity, this encourages it even more.

To add to this encouragement, I have heard about and seen many young people who have a genuine excitement and desire for the coin collecting industry. I received a note that a young person who attended the Witter Coin U (WCU), where I was honored to teach this past summer, has decided to run for the FUN Board of Governors. While Abby is only 19 years old, I haven’t seen someone with such a passion to teach numismatic education in my life. I know that she would be a huge asset to the organization and to the educational efforts that are necessary for the growth of the hobby. That being said, if you’re a member of the Florida United Numismatists, please save a vote for her! While you’ll never see me being political in a public manner (coin-wise or nationally), this is something I can stand behind and I hope to see this happen! I’ve also heard that a recent WCU graduate took a position working for another coin business and I know of several other folks who are now seeing numismatics as a potential career in some form or another. This is exciting to me and it should be a great encouragement to those who care about the future of the hobby and the coin business.

On another front, some of you may have happened across a YouTube video that was released last week of an interview with myself (John Brush) on the PCGS YouTube Channel. While I hadn’t planned on doing the interview last summer, it was a pleasant surprise and honor when I was asked to do so during the middle of a PCGS Invitational Show. So, if my lack of preparedness was obvious, please forgive me. If you happen to have nothing else to do or need some background noise, you’re welcome to find out more about my journey to DLRC here. My biggest omission was very clear when I asked my wife to watch it. I mentioned my wonderful kids and my “….umm… wife.” I am hoping to get out of the doghouse if we do a part two in the future, but if Ruth somehow reads this, I hope to get off of the couch this week! All kidding aside, it was a lot of fun and there are a few interesting tidbits…but it may certainly be an hour of your life that you never get back 😊.

I’ll conclude with the note that we are not attending the Long Beach Expo this week. Dale Larsen will be in attendance representing DLRC at our table, but we decided to remain home this week due to some meetings and deals that we’re wrapping up. We definitely plan on making it out in the winter as things clear up in the country, but we’re sorry to have missed those that were expecting us there.

Thanks again for listening to this story and we hope that you enjoy this week’s Coins We Love!

Numismatically yours,
John Brush

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