Coins We Love: 🎂CWL Turns 7!🎂

The CWL started as a simple idea back in 2015 to help keep our customers informed of DLRC news, industry happenings, and new special coin offerings. It has since grown into a weekly email put together by a small team of individuals at our office with thousands of readers each week. Over the years, we have received feedback from our readers thanking us for the unique and honest insight on each topic we cover. If you are a follower of the CWL, you know our main goal is to give a clearer picture of who DLRC is, what we are currently working on, and why. We are happy to talk to customers one-on-one but we have found that this format can help deliver the same information more effectively as a mass message. Our CWL team - John, Julia, Andy, and Jason - enjoy writing these weekly updates and take hours scouring our inventory for special items to highlight.
Over the past 7 years, our readers have responded positively and strongly to our coin suggestions and many offerings now get picked off within minutes of the email delivery! Last week in the CWL, we highlighted eight coins that we love. A few coins sold right when the email was sent and by the time the weekend was over, seven had sold and we had a serious inquiry about the eighth. So take a look at the highlights below, but don’t look for too long, or they might be gone! This is how we know we are doing a good job selecting items we would personally like to have in our collections - Coins We Love.
Interestingly enough, some of our CWL suggestions are items from our main inventory and have been listed on our site for a while before they were highlighted. We always have a wide range of coins in varying grades, values, and series to meet the needs of our customers. With over 5000 certified coin listings we understand it’s difficult to find all of the hidden gems. Never hesitate to check our site on a weekly basis and keep reading our CWL to identify ones you might have missed!
We wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of the readers and customers who have commented, bought, or bid on CWL offerings in the past. We hope you will continue to be a loyal reader. We are always open to writing on any topics you suggest, in fact, many of our articles come about as a result of recent customer comments or questions. Until next week, please browse over the wonderful selections our staff has written about below, and feel free to contact us directly with any specific questions you may have!
Speaking of feedback, we want YOURS! We have created this simple survey (Only 4 questions) and would love for you to fill it out. The results will give us the ability to customize and improve our weekly Coins We Love email. Fill out the survey here!
Numismatically Yours,
Jason Smith and John Call
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