Coins We Love: DLRC's On A Mission

Sometimes we start on a mission and we’re not quite sure where we’re going to end up. This week, we’re in the middle of a staff review process. We use this activity to analyze our strengths/weaknesses and recognize things we need to improve as a company in the coming year. While it can sometimes be painful and distract us from the fun coin stuff, it’s productive and important.

Part of the learning process in examining ourselves and the company is figuring out our common goals. Some companies have done a wonderful job with their mission statement, and others appear as if they Googled "cute words to utilize". At DLRC, we all know our story and where we came from (it’s in the company handbook and all over our office!), however, we have a Mission Statement that has long been forgotten. That’s something we’ve been reviewing and working on the past week. While we can internalize our purpose, values, vision, and mission, we are developing an external mission over the next few weeks. We want everyone to know our mission and for our mission to guide us in our long-term decisions and growth.

Growth can be a scary thing. We’ve doubled our staff in recent years because of YOUR (the collector’s) willingness to work with us. We’re thankful for you. Knowing that helps us to focus our mission more clearly on assisting you. We truly want to be your partners in collecting.

While the review process may not be “fun”, it is needed and I can say that I’ve enjoyed spending one-on-one time with employees that I don’t normally get to talk with. Maybe this should be part of my personal mission this year. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for no more software glitches, electrical fires, or building developments.

Thanks for reading! Please enjoy the coins we have highlighted below. There’s a truly interesting variety of items here and we are thankful that we get to share them with you!

Numismatically Yours,

John Brush and Your Friends at DLRC

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