Coins We Love: Exciting Website Upgrade!

This week, if you’re in the local area, come see us at the Tidewater Coin Club Show at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. We’ll be set up all day Friday and Saturday! We didn’t have a local presence for years due to tax issues, but we’re thrilled to be more active locally and to support our local numismatic community in the Tidewater area.

In the office, we’ve been loaded with projects, website development, and processing through coins for the website. It’s not a lot to “write home” about, but it feels productive and we’re just glad to be moving forward. After the Virginia Beach show, our next major event will be the Baltimore Show in November. We may make an appearance at the SCNA show in Greenville in a few weeks as well, but we’ll have to keep an eye out on how things are going with the power restoration before we make any appointments or guarantees.

We’re also excited to share a small improvement on our website, which may or may not be noticeable. You’ll see slightly larger slab photos of coins and, if you hover over them, you’ll get a nice preview of the obverse of the coin on most pieces. If you’re a mobile user, we hope that you enjoy our substitute for hovering as the coins will present themselves in a filmstrip sort of way and the images will update as you browse. We hope that this is something that improves your viewing experience as a whole. Our development team is second to none, and we’re thrilled with how their idea worked out!

Otherwise, we don’t have a whole lot to write about, except that we hope you enjoy this week’s highlights presented below. For those of you who enjoyed our special offering last week, we’ve continued that into its second week, so if you’re looking for a pair of really heavy earrings, we hope that you’ll buy a pair of Peace Dollars to take home!

Thanks again for reading and have a wonderful week!

Numismatically Yours,

John Brush and Your Friends at DLRC

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