Coins We Love: Final FUN Show Recap

Typically, coin dealers flock south for the Winter FUN Show in hopes of a little warm weather, some sunshine, and maybe a day of relaxation amidst a week of brutally long trading days and meet-ups. This year did not serve those opportunities as the thermometer was unkind, with chilly temperatures that we’re used to during the Virginia winters. Alas, it did not stop the activity on the floor. Generally, most folks view me as an extrovert when I’m around folks that I know. However, that character trait may have been worn to the floor this past week as I found myself falling asleep by 9 o’clock during the latter days of the week. This is usually reserved for me being sick, but this week it was due to the absolute constant activity on the bourse.
I’ll go ahead and say it…this was the best FUN show we’ve seen in a decade, if not longer. The retail activity was absolutely astounding, the coins that were coming up to our table to buy were fresh, and the opportunities were endless.
Our diverse inventory offerings at the show ranged from more affordable pieces under $100 to 6-figure rarities and the cross-section of coins that sold fit in all of these categories. From setup on Wednesday afternoon until noon on Saturday, there was a constant buzz at our table, both buying and selling. So much so that while I generally make it a point to walk the entire floor of a major show before we depart, I only made it down two of the rows before heading to the airport. That was the only disappointing factor of the event. But, it was truly a fantastic outing and we hope that it sets us up right for 2025! I hate to say it, but commercially, I think that this year’s FUN show has surpassed the ANA WFOM in activity. Now, the ANA has a chance to take this informal title back in August, but this is fantastic news for the overall market.
I’d also like to take a rabbit trail on a topic here for a second. After all, if you don’t want to read it, you can skip this section (or the whole thing…I’ll never know!). The question I get asked by collectors is whether or not there are young people growing into collectors and dealers in the coming years. There’s a fear that their collections will lose value or be unappreciated in the coming years due to a lack of interest. Well, I can elaborate on the generational change we’re seeing at coin shows and in the coin market in a future CWL if it’s requested, but if you were departing the show a little late in the day after many dealers had departed, you might have seen a cadre of young people hanging around our table before departing.
I have to say that I viewed it as something that “just happens”, but in hindsight, as a parent, it made me excited. We have a nice group of young people at DLRC that attend the major shows (Jack, Victor, and my son, Wes this week - Andy stayed home thanks to a new addition to his family) and the friend groups that have developed between the young collector/dealers has been fun to watch develop. These are people from across the map of the United States. To hear their excitement about coins and their future is incredible. It’s taken years for the coin business to develop this paradigm shift, but the young activity in the hobby is here…and I’m excited that you can see much of it at DLRC!
Now, roll out the coins!
Numismatically Yours,
John Brush and the DLRC Show Team
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