Coins We Love: 🌲Happy Holidays🌲

The last two weeks were probably the most stressful that we have during the calendar year at DLRC. We picked the two collections mentioned previously, and had several sizable deals dropped off at our office, as well as the usual packages that we receive on a regular basis. This happened on top of our inventory team doing an annual audit, our accounting team closing down the year-end financials, and the rest of us getting ready for the holidays and the upcoming FUN Show. Oh yeah, and a trip to Utah to go over our budgets and projections for next year with our partner. So, you could say we’re a little busy. The good news is, all of that is done (except for the FUN show) and now we’re ready to enjoy a few days with our families.
Our offices will be closed Friday, December 23rd, Monday, December 26th, and Friday, December 30th so that we can enjoy the holidays. The 27th - 29th we will be open and will be preparing ourselves to kick off 2023. So, we ask that you bear with us and know that if you give us a call or shoot us an email over the next two weeks, we will absolutely get back to you as soon as possible.
On the bright side, we’re really looking forward to 2023 and we’re already planning a lot of things to improve the experience for collectors at DLRC. So, keep your eyes open for more coins in 2023 and we wish each and every one of you Happy Holidays.
John Brush and Your Friends at DLRC
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