Coins We Love: 👋Live from the ANA👋

Coins We Love: 👋Live from the ANA👋

This week we are at the ANA World’s Fair of Money in Rosemont, IL. We arrived on Sunday for the pre-show trading room and have literally been running non-stop since. As of today (Thursday morning), there have been breakfast appointments, dinner events, and a full day of working at the show. It’s been an intense, but absolute blast. On the first day that the general public was allowed in, we had a line at our table and all 7 of the DLRC staff were involved with full hands. When you add in a record amount of buying and I’d have to say that it’s been a successful show. Honestly, the thing that I’m most thankful for is the fact that the live auction events are actually next week. While we were able to get our lot viewing done, we now have an extra weekend to figure out what we need to focus on there. I’ll have to apologize in advance for this week’s short message, but there are about 4 people at our table asking to look at coins, so we’ll stop here and pick up on an ANA Show review next week!

Thanks for reading and please enjoy some of this week’s Coins We Love!

Numismatically Yours,

John Brush

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