Coins We Love: Market Heats Up as Winter Intensifies

We understand that many of you in the middle of the country are dealing with some extreme weather conditions, so we hope that you are safe, warm, and healthy. We were lucky to avoid the mess this week on the southeastern coast of Virginia, though our folks in the New York area weren’t so lucky. The ice, snow, and everything else certainly makes us appreciate a little bit more of what we have in Virginia Beach.
Due to the weather, there are some shipping delays throughout the country, so please hang tight if you have a package that’s a day or two late. The USPS and FedEx have greatly improved since the Holiday season, but there are still a number of lagging deliveries occurring. A friend of ours jut received a card that was mailed two months ago, so I guess we all have to practice the virtue of patience these days.
As I walked down the hall today I realized that it was exactly a year ago that we attended our last coin show in Atlanta, Georgia. The good news is, we know there will be some major shows in the near future…but the question is still, when? I think the best guess is the ANA World’s Fair of Money in Rosemont, Illinois, but we’re still holding out hope for something sooner! We received news that the expanded June Baltimore show won’t be occurring, so it sounds like we’ll miss out on our annual Orioles game. Primarily, we’re just looking forward to travel, coin shows, and life in general return to normal…At least pitchers and catchers are reporting to Spring Training this week, so as Alexander Pope once wrote, “Hope springs eternal…” And while you may not think baseball has anything to do with coins, one of my first coin collections was of silver rounds with Hall of Fame baseball players on them. I think I have 30-40 of them from my childhood, so maybe I should take that book out and review them again soon! Don’t tell my New York friends, but I just can’t add Derek Jeter to the collection…my heart won’t allow me to do it!
So, with patience, hope, and love of coins, we hope that you enjoy these coins we’ve highlighted from this week’s auction and from the website. We’ve been hot on the prowl for more offerings in the coming weeks, and while the pickings are still slim, we’re working harder than ever to continue to source coins. Like building materials, groceries, toilet paper, and Clorox wipes, the marketplace is absolutely hot right now for decent coins, and for high-end coins it’s beyond hot. We expect to continue to see rising prices for the next few months as the supply is very low and the demand is incredibly high. While the market continues to push these limits, if you have a collection you’re considering selling or you just want to cash in your coin equity for something else, it’s a fantastic time to consider it. If you’d like to talk about it, just shoot us back an email at and we can schedule a time to chat. Or just give us a call, we’re here and we’d love to speak with you.
Numismatically Yours,
John Brush and Your Friends at DLRC
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