Coins We Love: ✌Show Summary✌

As expected, last week was somewhat of a blur. The Baltimore show is kind of “old hat” for us and it went well. We had a team that attended the event from Tuesday-Friday. The early buying and wholesale activity on Wednesday was extremely active with plenty of opportunities to be had on both sides of the table. Once the show started on Thursday, the activity continued over to the bourse floor. Unfortunately, the public attendance wasn’t what it has been in the past, but the folks who did attend were certainly active and kept the show interesting!
The trip to the South Carolina show in Greenville was a little bit off the beaten path for us, but we arrived without any issues and hit the ground running with setup on Thursday. It was supposed to end around 7, but they let us remain on the floor until 8-8:30 and it ended up being quite fruitful on the buying side. We remained at the show through Saturday afternoon and ran into a large number of customers that we haven’t had the opportunity to visit with in person before. We bought several coins and sold a few pieces to new customers. Overall, it was a nice experience and we plan on returning next October. The most encouraging part of the Greenville Show was the long line of people eager to get into the show on Friday morning. The show was active, orderly, and full of people. While Greenville is a much smaller town than most of the major city shows we get to attend, the attendance on a daily basis was right up there with the big cities. The only drawback is that there’s no hotel next to the convention center, but the Uber drivers were friendly (especially my wife!).
This week we have our heads down processing new purchases, setting up auctions, and getting some impressive collections ready for upcoming auctions. While November and December tend to be the slower months, we have our hands full this time around. If you are looking to put some coins in auction, we can still turn your coins around in 2-3 days! We’ve been hearing about some of the delays elsewhere, especially with auction houses, grading companies, etc., but we’re still proud to offer the same turnaround as always. If you have coins that you need to sell before the end of the year, let us know. We can help!
Numismatically Yours,
John Brush
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