Coins We Love: 😎Status Update😎

The question we get asked most by dealers and collectors is “How’s the coin market looking?”
It may be surprising that dealers ask this question, but most specialists only cater to what they know. Most of the folks we deal with focus on the wholesale coin market, never looking at the collector marketplace. Historically, the wholesale market follows the collector market. Truth be told, the wholesale market does a TON of volume. However, it’s impossible to see how much of that trickles down to the collector marketplace due to the varied forms, locations, etc. Let's talk about the market for coins of differing values.
- Trophy coins: Still incredibly hot. If the coin has a story, is scarce, and is high-quality, you can rest assured that the price will likely be record-breaking. We see this on a weekly basis in our auctions. It’s just how things are right now.
- Coins over $5,000: Still very solid. Really neat coins are still scarce and difficult to find. You can source them if you’re willing to pay up for them or if you have built relationships. Relationships are the key right now. If you’re relatively new to sourcing coins, you can still find them, but it’s going to cost you more.
- Coins under $5,000: These are doing fine. Collectors are still active and buying these coins. In this price range, quality is everything and CAC-approved example are going fast!
We do see the folks buying $5,000+ coins resisting higher prices, but this isn’t really abnormal. It’s just part of the negotiation process. If the coin can be replaced, it’s probably not worth that much of a premium anyway!
Why do I bring this up now? Well, returning from the FUN show we saw a lot of things. There were a few dealers who have been around the block a time or two who were clearly a little bearish in their views of the marketplace. There was a lot of caution in their buying and it was a bit easier than normal to buy from these folks. But, after stepping away from the show and seeing what the market did for a few weeks following, I think that bearish-ness is falling away a bit. Yes, inflation is still a thing, but the cautious attitude that was showing up a few weeks ago seems to have subsided for a while. Following the long-held rules of buying the right coins, holding them for 5-10 years, and enjoying the hobby as you go is a recipe for success.
That’s enough for now. We hope that you have a wonderful week and enjoy this week’s highlights of Julia’s Coins She Loves.
Numismatically Yours,
John Brush
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