Coins We Love: Tampa's Version

Does a coin show really happen if no one shows up? I jest…this has been the best dealer-attended new show that we’ve seen in over a decade. The dealers really showed up and all of the tables are occupied. Unfortunately, the public attendance seems to be lacking. Perhaps it’s due to the humidity of Florida in the summertime and the fact that the snowbirds haven’t ventured south for the winter just yet. Or maybe it’s just because it’s a new show in a venue that hasn’t typically been the best historically. Whatever the case, we’re making the absolute best of it. And for those that do make it here, we have one of the most attractive displays presented at a show in recent history - The coins from the D.L. Hansen Collection are a true standout for the event.

Inevitably a new show has growing pains. Whether that be the lack of shipping options, missing food trucks, getting Andy nearly arrested for bringing us Chick-Fil-A, or the display cases missing the oh-so-important screws to hold them together. But, it’s really not that bad and it feels very safe. Guards have been located throughout the building and the proximity to the hotels make it an easy event to support. As most longtime readers know, coin shows are one of our favorite things to do and the fact that we’re able to walk out with some really neat coins makes it all worthwhile.

I’d be lying if I said it was the best coin show we’ve attended. But, when sales are lacking, sometimes you just buy your way out of the event. And that’s the power of having such a wide base of collectors. You just work a little harder to find the neat things. So, that’s been our mission for the past few days and we’re plugging right along. If you’re planning on showing up on Friday, please see us right near the front door. We’ll be hanging out until the bitter end.

As for now, we’ll step back onto the bourse and see what kind of trouble we can find. The good news is that we get a break until the next major event in November - I think we really need it! Until next time, we hope that you enjoy this week’s Tampa version of Coins We Love!

Numismatically Yours,

John Brush and the DLRC Show Team

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