Coins We Love: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

We hope that our friends throughout the middle of the country have started to thaw out and that things are improving for you. This week we’ve noticed a rash of shipping delays that have occurred once again due to the recent weather issues. That, along with the high priority of getting the vaccines delivered has caused some major shipping hold ups. However, the packages that have stacked up are now funneling out of the shipping centers, so while your packages may be late, they will get there slowly but surely. It certainly made for an interesting Tuesday at our office when the poor mail person had a cart full of packages that finally decided to make their way to Virginia Beach.
I also wanted to send a note to all of our readers that received a payment reminder email this week. We made some programming changes that included edits to an automatic payment reminder email. Despite our effort to be more friendly and laid back in the email, I'm afraid it may have come across as a bit abrasive. Please accept our apologies. We're working getting the text tweaked as soon as possible and we’ll keep our hands off of the automatic payment reminders in the future!
Unfortunately, we just received news that the upcoming Central States Coin Show, held in April, will be canceled once again. It’s not a surprise of course, but it’s just another reminder that we have to wait a few more months before getting back into the coin show grind. This week my phone has been ringing off the hook with dealer friends from San Francisco, New Jersey, Chicago, and texts from Oklahoma and Texas…I think that everyone has made it a year since the regular coin show travel circuit stoppage, and now they are getting antsy for different scenery. I feel them - heck, I’d settle for a visit to Rosemont, Illinois even…
We’ll get there soon enough, but I miss my friends out there as well. And for my now weekly comment on the coin market: There’s absolutely no change…prices are still moving upwardly. If you’ve paid attention to the recent live auctions, the numbers on some coins are far above what they have been in years. On the homefront, we’re seeing this same increase in action in our weekly auction events as well. It’s an exciting time for the hobby and we don’t see anything that’s going to stop this excitement in the upcoming months…
Thanks again for reading my musings on DLRC and the coin market this week. We look forward to another week in the vault and hope to hear from you! For now, enjoy this week's CWL highlights from the DLRC inventory and Sunday Auctions!
Numismatically Yours,
John Brush and Your Friends at DLRC
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