Coins We Love: Today We Remember

Today is an important day of remembrance. As I woke up and got ready, I had the opportunity to watch some of the D-Day Remembrance ceremonies that occurred in France this morning. While that was a generation before me, the shocking images, writings, and scenes available of this momentous event are still an incredible reminder of an effort that truly saved the world. The pictures that were displayed and the enormity of the cemetery were chilling and the loss of life was staggering, but the sacrifice and cause were indeed deserving and we are thankful for a generation of men and women who took this upon themselves and did what was right and needed. Words can never suffice in our thankfulness for their effort and commitment, but we would be amiss if we did not mention that today. To those who served in any way, shape, or form, we thank you.

Hearing the National Anthem playing with 100+ veterans from 1944, standing on the stage was a tear-jerker. Perhaps it’s my particular season of life with the school year closing (and graduations!), my college shutting its doors, and realizing how short life is. It shifts your perspective. The sense of patriotism and appreciation mixes well with the hobby of American numismatics as the American symbols etched on so many of these pieces conjure up memories and a passion.

That is one of the cool things about numismatics. It can tie into endless events, hobbies, and missions and the designs can pay homage to anything from wars and historical figures to events and animals. This creates multiple ways to collect and engage with others. What a joy it is to be able to work in the Hobby of Kings!

This was a more thoughtful write-up, but we hope it sparked some curiosity into a new avenue of numismatics. Julia picked out a great assortment for you this week, so we hope something catches your eye! Thanks, as always, for reading and we hope you enjoyed it.

Numismatically Yours,

John Brush

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