Coins We Love: We've Got Layaway!

I’ve spoken with quite a few of you this month who were dreading this week due to the typical April 15th tax date. I get it. It’s hard to buy coins when you have possible payments or unknown returns coming your way. This is the first time that I can remember the Central States Show being pushed back so far into April that it might actually help us forget the Ides of April. That being said, we can feel your concerns. So, if you need a layaway on an upcoming coin in auction or found the piece that fits your set and it’s sitting on our website, don’t forget about our interest-free layaway program. It might be perfect for your situation. We’ll always do our best to help you work out the payment issues.

In other news this week, our construction project in our office is ALMOST done. As some of you know, we’ve been in the process of adding an additional building for nearly 2 years now and we’re in the final week or two of the project. While it doesn’t affect what DLRC does as a whole, it will give us a nicer conference room, some more offices, a better kitchen area for visiting and relaxing, and a brand-new photography lab.

It’s been a crazy time in the office as we’ve seen a lot of sickness floating around town. It always starts with the spring allergies here in Virginia Beach, but we’re hoping that the blooms (the Dogwoods and Cherry Blossoms have been beautiful!) calm down a bit. Hopefully, we’ll be back to full staff soon!

As far as coins go, they are flying all over the place. Dividing and conquering throughout the country, the rash of shows over the last month, and the regular packages coming our way have kept our team on their toes. Good thing we absolutely love what we do! The offerings this week in our regular Sunday and Red Carpet Rarities auctions are exciting and diverse. We hope that you can find something there that you fancy and we’d be happy to work with you and assist in any way that we can!

Numismatically Yours

John Brush and Your Friends at DLRC

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