DLRC Eye Appeal Rating Explained

Our Eye Appeal rating is a scale from 1 to 5 stars, 5 stars being the best possible eye appeal. Every coin is reviewed by a staff numismatist with the coin in hand and is done to give the online viewer a true assessment of the complete look. Taking into account the grade, we are looking at the overall eye appeal considering strike, luster, and toning as a complete rating of the coin’s features. Coins with CAC stickers, colorful toning, or a higher price are NOT automatically given five stars.

Below is a silver, gold, and copper example of each star rating:

You typically won't find any coins on our website below a 3 star rating, simply because we don’t want to offer our customers coins we see as below average. We strive to offer the highest quality of coins and provide accurate images and descriptions of inventory.

Have any questions about our Eye Appeal Ratings? Interested in purchasing or bidding on a coin? Give us a call at 800-776-0560 or email coingroup@davidlawrence.com and we'll be happy to assist you.