The All-new

We are very excited to announce the launch of a brand new web site for David Lawrence Rare Coins! Before you sigh and say, "What???? Again??!?!", please know that we take your business and our relationship very seriously. To that end, the site we launched early last year was simply not up to the DLRC standard. Sadly, the platform it was built on could not sustain the amount of inventory we carry, but we did not realize this until after we launched.
After many conversations with clients and here in house, we decided that the only way forward was to build another new site from scratch! This new site is 50 times faster than the old site and incorporates much better client order and bids tracking from the myDavidLawrence pages.
Unfortunately existing customers have to reset their passwords. If you’re reading this and need help to get this fixed, please let us know at or give us a call!
Visit the New
Again, I want to take this moment to send a note of thanks to each of our customers for working with us, whether it be for the last 30 years or just the last 30 days. As many of you know, DLRC is a family-oriented company, and we always do our best to take care of each and every one of you.
We know from past experience that there will be some bugs, misspellings, and small issues with this new iteration of the web site, but our goal is to get those fixed as quickly as possible. In fact, if you see any, please let us know!
Our main long-term goal is to be flexible so that we can make adjustments, changes, and new features easily. By keeping the web site work in-house, we’re going to be able to do this much faster. We certainly appreciate your patience and feedback during this changeover and we hope to make it as smooth as possible. To those customers who have experienced frustrations with the former site or have taken a break from collecting, we hope that you’ll come back and check out our new website. We’d love to have you back!
If you have any issues with this, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll get it taken care of for you. We appreciate your business and if there’s anything of interest or if you’re considering selling parts of your collection, please don’t hesitate to drop us an email as well at We look forward to working with you and thanks again for your loyalty!
Numismatically Yours,
John Brush