Where Does DLRC Get Such a Great Selection of Coins?

This is question often asked by many of our loyal collectors. It is hard to believe that a coin company (of any size) can offer over 350 new certified, quality selections weekly. So, this begs the question: where do they come from? First off, we have one big advantage over many other coin companies in the industry and that is longevity. We have been in business for 40 years now and have been helping thousands of customers build all size and types of coin collections over past four decades. Since we have been placing coins for so long, there is a natural supply of them returning each month to us when it's time for our collector base to upgrade or sell. We always tell collectors when they purchase coins from us that we want them back one day and that seems to stick with them.
Secondly, we buy and accept consignments each week from many other coin dealers in the industry. Our reputation and terms for dealer consignments is unmatched in the industry, and we receive a steady pipeline of new items in for consignment from some of the biggest and smallest dealers in the nation.
Our third avenue to bring in new and exciting inventory is by attending coins shows. We attend most national and many regional shows across the country. Here we are able to review thousands of coins for sale and buy hundreds of these offerings. We take many hours at each event looking over coins with the collector in mind. Qualified purchases meet the standards we feel would make good value selections for our collector base. The price, overall eye appeal and quality for the assigned grade all go in to our buying decisions. Since we are spending our own money on these items, we want to make sure our customers will be satisfied owning them as well.
From each of these avenues, we work hard to bring collectors the very best items available in the market place. Our online auctions give all collectors an equal opportunity to add these new selections to their collection weekly. Our images, descriptions and knowledgeable staff are available to answer inventory questions and help our customers make the very best buying decisions. And remember, if you purchase a coin from DLRC, we are always interested in having it back one day!
To reach the Coin Group, email coins@davidlawrence.com or call 800-776-0560