Coins We Love: Introducing the DLRC Want List

You have been asking and we answered! We are excited to formally announce that our new Want List feature is live on our website!
We realize that finding the right coins for your collection is a priority and our informative Want List feature ensures you will never miss out on new items of interest! We actually launched a few weeks ago, so you may have seen it in your account and even been able to poke around. We feel it is a powerful tool for collectors of all shapes and sizes and hope you put it to good use. We have also added a “saved search” feature, so you can instantly create a Want List entry for any search that you wish to keep tabs on.
Here is a Want List crash course with screenshots, tips, and information that will make starting your Want List even easier! Please take a moment to test out the new feature and let us know if you have any questions or need assistance in building your first DLRC Want List. Happy coin hunting!
Numismatically Yours,
Andy Jeffrey and the DLRC Team
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